It’s not enough to just own a Ph meter…

There are 3 parts to this, owning a Ph meter, calibrating it, and USING IT!

Probably the one factor that will most negatively impact your medical marijuana plants is the Ph, if it’s out of whack I promise you your plants will respond in kind.

But not only do you need to use your Ph pen (at least weekly), you need to calibrate it as well, if you don’t regularly calibrate your pen how in the world do you know if it is anywhere near accurate?

The process could not be simpler or take less time and the benefits it will provide you and your medical marijuana plants will be directly reflected in their health and your harvest.

The steps are short and simple:

1. Buy a Ph pen

2. Buy calibration solution

3. Setup an alert/alarm to remind you calibrate you pen (weekly)

4. Poor calibration fluid in a small measuring glass, let it sit for 45-60 seconds and adjust your pen to match the calibration fluid  (either 4.01 or 7.0 depending on the calibration fluid you purchase)

Medical Marijuana
See, told you it was easy.

Here are direct links to Amazon for the items talked about in this episode:

Ph Meter – $17.59

Calibration Fluid – $20.49

5 Ounce/150cc Glass Measuring Cup -$5.51

1 ounce/30cc Mini Measuring Shot Glass – $5.63

General Hydroponics pH Up & pH Down – $15.38

I think that pretty much wraps up the show notes for The Marijuana Minute episode 5.

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