Our “regular” & “teen” clones as of 2/28…

Marijuana Clones

Here is what we have for clones as of 2/28/22, this first group of clones are all “teenagers” (14″-22″):

4 – Blue Dream
5 – Alaskan Thunder F@ck
15 – Numbskull x Ice
7 – Strawberry Banana
2 – Agent Orange

And this second group are “regular” sized clones (8″-14″):

7 – GMO Cookies
12 – Maine Dream
12 – Comfortably Dumb

You can mix and match whatever strains you’d like from what we have available to complete your order, you can also mix regular and teen sizes as well.

Our clones are grown in coco & perlite mixture, well rooted in degradable root pouches and ready to go as is into your dirt, coco or hydroponic setup, no de-bagging, no root washing required.

We meet folks in person (and in public) Monday through Friday in either Biddeford Scarborough (depending on the town you’re coming from).

Clones are sold on a first come basis, so the sooner you get in touch the better chance of getting the strains you want.

They are sold in 6-packs at $150 per 6-pack (for regular or teens).

Just a reminder that our policy, now and forever, is to provide $10 discount to ALL of those listed below:

Active-duty military
National guard
Coast guard
Medical workers
First responders

This also includes retired medical workers and first responders.

Things to keep in mind:

  • All of our clones are first generation, meaning that they were taken from mother plants that have been started from seed.
  • We update our clone availability list every Sunday evening/Monday morning.
  • Folks are limited to 18 clones of any given strain and 36 clones in total.
  • Clones are reserved on a first come first served basis, but we’ll do our best to get you the strain(s) and number(s) you are looking for.
  • The best way to reach us is via email (Info@MaineSeedlings.com), second best is to text us (1-207-613-5650) or leave a voicemail with any questions you have about medical marijuana clones.
  • We make appointments Monday through Friday for clone delivery and meet with patients in either the Portland or Biddeford areas (depending on the town you’re coming from).
  • We offer a $10 discount for all veterans and first responders.

Our 2022 available marijuana clones…

Marijuana Clones

This is our “Strain Data Sheet” with detailed information for the marijuana clones that we will be growing/providing in 2022.

The Amherst Diesel (from Humboldt Seed Organization) will be a late arriver, most likely becoming available mid-April.

Thank you House & Garden Nutrients!…

Here’s a video #1 of a series that is long overdue (be sure to have sound on), the good folks over at House & Garden nutrients sent us some nutrients for a hydroponic “test grow“.

The reason we wanted to try House & Garden nutrients is because more than one experienced grower friend (whom we trust and respect) rave about them, telling us they are easy to use, less expensive than most on the market today and (VERY important) they have outstanding results!

So let the grow begin!

Marijuana Nutrients

One of the things you may notice right away in the video are the paper plates

We have moved from clay pellets to the grodan mini cubes for our hydroponoc setup because 1) they are less expesnive than clay pellets, 2) easier and less expensive to dispose of and 3) provide a better home for the plants roots. So if you are growing hydrponically you might want to consider giving the grodan mini cubes a try.

Back to the paper plates. The reason we are using paper plates is because of an issue we did not have with clay pellets but did the first time we used the grodan mini cubes which was a small amount of algae. By using the paper plates to cover the cubes that negated the algae issue and had the added benefit of kicking some of the light back up into the plants.

A couple words about the paper plates, use plain undyed heavy duty paper plates (they are pennies per plate) but be sure to buy them big enough so that it will sit on top of the rim of the bucket (usually 10.5″) and not down inside that because that would bring them in direct contact with your hydroponic solution subjecting them to getting wet and possibly molding.

We use a 4.5″ keyhole saw to drill the center hole in them and that’s it!

Lastly, you’ll see that the plants are in a pouches, that’s because we pull the clones straight from our production line for flower in our grow rooms and we grow our clones in degradable bags filled with coco and perlite so regardless of how a person grows (dirt, coco, hydro) they are good to go planting them as is with no need to debag them, disturbing/breaking the roots and causing them to lag for a week or two while they regrow/regroup. Here is a picture of just how easy the roots pass through the pouch.

Marijuana Clones

Be sure to come back next week and see video #2 in the series and in the meantime take a look over at the House & Garden website and their Facebook page, say hello and let them know we sent you over.

Stay warm and see you next week!