How we pack our marijuana clones to travel…

There are many things I like to worry about (most probably unnecessarily), patients getting their clones home safe, sound and unbroken is one of them.

Patients invest their hard earned money with the dream of harvesting the plants and having their much needed medicine… I don’t want a broken plant to dash that dream before they even make it home.

So we’ve tried a few ways of packing these babies for safe travel and at the moment we’ve settled on a system that works well and is environmentally friendly as it involves recycling old wine boxes (and no, I don’t drink all that wine).

Medical Marijuana Clones
We put in a plastic liner so the box stays dry and strong (there’s nothing worse than a saggy bottomed box), put the bottle separators back into the box and then start dropping in our medical marijuana clones for the trip to their new home.

Medical Marijuana Clones

Once their are all packed, labeled and ready to travel it looks kinda like this.

Medical marijuana clones from MaineSpeaking of clones, we have a new batch of clones (just about) every Monday morning and send the list of clones out to the good (and patient) folks on our “waiting to be notified” list.

If you are a Maine Medical Marijuana patient and are in the market for clones (or soon will be) you can email us and you’ll be put on the “notify me when you have clones” list ( so as medical marijuana clones become available patients will get en email to “notify” them that we have medical marijuana clones available. People go on the list in the same order that the requests come in.

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