‘Marijuana refugees’ parents seeking help for their sick children…

Marijuana Refugees

Marijuana refugees” is the latest story to be added to our “Cannabis in The News“, it’s a story about the Frederick family who had to move from Illinois to Colorado so they could have access to cannabis oil, which they wanted to try it in an effort control their daughters seizures, seizures that would sometimes number 100 in a single day.

Amazingly after their daughter started receiving CBD oil her seizures nearly disappeared.

My first thought was why not get CBD oil and give it a try without picking up your family, disrupting your life and moving states away and their answer made a great deal of sense, because medical marijuana was not legal in Illinois they were afraid that if they were caught trying to bring it into the state government officials might challenge their fitness as parents and they could have their daughter taken away.

It’s an inspiring story and deserves to be heard, so check out the full “Marijuana Refugees” story on our “Cannabis in The News” page.


29 Tips For Growing The Best Marijuana In America…

Maine Medical Marijuana

If you are considering growing cannabis as a caregiver or a patient, before you start buying supplies you really should take a look at this article from the Business Insider “29 Tips For Growing The Best Marijuana In America“.

This is not a step by step tutorial but a very good overview of the things you need to consider before planting your first seed.

And you might want to pay close attention (and take some notes) as these tips come from one of the BEST growers in America, Nick Hice of Denver Relief.


Our review of The Cannabis Strain Directory…

Today we are reviewing The Cannabis Strain Directory and it could very well be a super short review, summing it up in just two words “Love It!“.

Maine Medical Marijuana
And there’s lots to love about it, starting with IT’S FREE.

But there’s so much more to The Cannabis Strain Directory, starting with the fact that there are (currently) almost 1300 strains listed and because the list is updated so frequently every time The Cannabis Strain Directory launches it checks for updates to the database, so you’ll always be current when it comes to available cannabis strains.

Maine Medical Marijuana
You will find detailed and useful information on all of the listed strains and there are so many search options — you can search by breeder, you can search by strain, and (my favorite) you can search by disease. Once you’ve chosen a given disease you can then select the option to “show all strains that treat these symptoms“.

Maine Medical Marijuana
And once you have those strains listed you have even more options, like “the overview” which gives a quick peak at all the applicable strains for the selected disease process.

Maine Medical Marijuana
But wait there’s more, the “Hemp Bible” is included, you can email strain information to clients and patients, you can bookmark strains you have researched for quick reference later, you will find growing tips, tricks, tutorials and much much more.

Because the software is free its development is supported by the occasional banner ad integrated into the software, but they are few, out of the way and in no way interfere with or make the use of the The Cannabis Strain Directory difficult or cumbersome to use.

Sorry Apple users but The Cannabis Strain Directory is currently a Windows only program.

And one more slight “glitch“, when you go to download the program be sure to select the option to “download program + database” or “program only” as these links will provided you the latest version of the software (3.2), but the “Download Now” button will take you to Download.com and for some reason gives you an older version (2.2).

Cannabis Strain Directory
Bottom line The Cannabis Strain Directory is extremely useful and gets two thumbs way up.

If you have used The Cannabis Strain Directory please leave a comment and let us (and our readers) know what you think program and what your experience has been.

Is pot safe for depression?

Pot Helps Depression
An interesting question and the headline of a recent article written in Natural Health Magazine.

You will find this article (and others) in our reading list “Cannabis In The News“.

It seems that with any discussion of medical marijuana it comes down to the fact that our government needs to change its classification so more research can be done.

But at the glacial speed and nonsensical way things happen on our nations capital we will most likely see pigs fly first.

Maine Medical Marijuana


Here is our updated list of available clones…

We have updated our list of available clones today (3/17) and you can see the entire list of available plants on our “inventory” page.

You will see the plants listed as either “large” or “small” which has less to do with actual height in inches and more to do with veg or flowering.

Those plants listed as “large” are just about ready to be put under 12/12 lighting and to start their flowering stage.

So follow this link and check out what clones we currently have available.

Maine Medical Marijuana Clones

New resources for medical marijuana patients and caregivers…

We have started posting resources that our readers (both caregivers and patients) will find useful:

1. If you are considering medical marijuana as a treatment option you will find physicians listed on our “resources for patients” page. You will also find find news articles on how medical marijuana works, what can be treated with cannabis, Maine medical marijuana laws here in Maine and more as well.

2. For caregivers (and patients looking to grow their own medicine) you will find a list of grow supply stores here in Southern Maine on our “resources for growers” page.

3. You will find a list of cannabis news articles on our new “cannabis in the news” page.

This is just the beginning of the resources we will be providing, be sure to stop back often and you will be repaid with new (frequently added) listings.

If you know of a resource that is not listed please email it to us so it can be shared with everyone.